Odette Preciado Benítez, Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development, Jalisco, Mexico
Odette Preciado received her first degree in Biology from the University of Guadalajara, she has a Master of Science in Natural Resources and Rural Development from The Southern Frontier College (ECOSUR), and a Diploma in Restoration of Ecosystems and Environmental Services. In 2015, she received a grant from the International Cooperation Agency of Japan to study climate change adaptation in Tokyo.
Odette has worked on research projects about fauna biodiversity at the Chiquibul Forest Reserve in Belize, in West and Southeast Mexican ecosystems. Her research about the attraction of frugivorous bats for the restoration of disturbed forests, was published in the scientific journal Tropical Conservation Science, is co-author of the book “bats: the allies of the night”, was editor of the magazine ” Forestry Innovation” of the National Forestry Commission of Mexico (CONAFOR) and is author of dissemination articles about forests and climate change, sustainable development, forest management, REDD + and social participation.
In the field of public service, she served as Head of the Department of Technological Development and Linkage of Projects supported by the Fund CONACYT-CONAFOR at the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR). She is currently working for the Government of the State of Jalisco, Mexico, following-up the agreements and activities of the Inter-institutional Commission for Action on Climate Change of the State of Jalisco and its REDD+ Working Group for the preparation of the REDD+ state strategy, in specific, she focuses her work in the development of the state policy for the mitigation of greenhouse gases in the forestry sector, through the Mexican Emissions Reduction Program.