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Draft program subject to change.

Pre-conference Tours
Day 1 Preconference
Day 2 Conference
Union Square, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom C, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom B, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom A, Third Floor
Day 3 Conference
Union Square, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom C, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom B, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom A, Third Floor
Union Square, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom C, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom B, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom A, Third Floor
Union Square, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom C, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom B, Third Floor
Grand Ballroom A, Third Floor
08:00 - 17:00
Continuing to Lead with Science

Meet at the first floor lobby

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been committed to pioneering science since it was founded in 1931. To date, thirteen Nobel prizes are associated with Berkeley Lab, 70 Berkeley Lab scientists are members of the National Academy of Sciences, 13 Berkeley Lab scientists have won the National Medal of Science, 18 Berkeley Lab engineers have been elected to the National Academy of Engineering and three Berkeley Lab scientists have been elected into the Institute of Medicine. On this tour, attendees will visit the prestigious Berkeley Lab and hear from scientists conducting pioneering research in different areas of climate science, including GHG mitigation, and see work in progress.

Fee: $50

09:00 - 17:00
Sea Level Rise: Risks and Adaptation for the Bay Area

Meet at the first floor lobby

Sea level rise has already had very real and very catastrophic effects on island nations and coastal communities. It also poses very real threats for the Bay Area. Projections that were at one time considered extreme are now expected to be conservative, with the Bay Area expecting up to 4.6 feet in sea level rise by 2100. According to a state-commissioned report on climate change, California’s coasts could experience sea level rise 30 to 40 times faster than in the last century. On this tour, attendees will learn about the current effects and future threats of climate change on coastal communities and innovative initiatives to address climate impacts and sea level rise.

Fee: $50

08:00 - 17:00
Registration Open

Location: Grand Ballroom Foyer, Third Floor

09:00 - 12:00
California Cap-and-Trade 101 Workshop

Location: Union Square, Third Floor

California’s Cap-and-Trade Program is the centerpiece of the state’s landmark Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and has served as a model for national and subnational governments around the world since its launch in 2012.  With work being undertaken on the U.S. federal level to repeal or significantly weaken federal climate regulations, California’s program now sits in a brighter spotlight as an effective initiative with strong government support.    This three-hour workshop will cover the basics of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program. Speakers will discuss how the program fits into AB 32 and SB 32, what developments may happen with AB 398 in place, timeframes established under the program, compliance entities and their obligations and basic market structure.  The workshop is an excellent primer for people starting to learn about the program and a comprehensive refresher course for people wanting to brush up on their Cap-and-Trade Program knowledge.

Fee: $150

10:00 - 11:30
Short-Term Offset Issuance Forecast and Auction Impact Analysis

Location: Laurel Hill, Fourth Floor

The objective of CaliforniaCarbon.Info’s presentation is to provide insight into two major topics within the cap-and-trade program: offsets and auctions. This is a direct response to demand for more technical analysis on aforementioned topics. Traders and entities are seeking out more information surrounding offset issuances and auction analysis in order to gain a full understanding of the market. CaliforniaCarbon.Info wants to fill that knowledge gap by presenting our short-term (until December 2020) offset issuance forecast and short-term auction analysis. The short-term offset forecast will predict offset issuances of existing projects under ODS, mine methane, livestock and forestry. It will include scenario-based modelling including determinants such as listed projects and credit buffer pool. The auction analysis will present various auction scenarios that will include legislative and regulatory changes and how those changes impacts prices and auctions. By addressing both auction and offsets we hope that the event will benefit a range of stakeholders. Our overall goal is to provide those stakeholders with concrete analysis of topics pertaining to cap-and-trade while continuing to establish CaliforniaCarbon.Info as a leader in information service in the WCI carbon market.

10:00 - 12:30
Navigating the Mexican Carbon World

Location: Nob Hill, Fourth Floor

Mexico has recently announced plans to launch a national Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) with the initial phase to be developed by August of this year. More than 100 companies are participating in an ongoing simulation of the emissions and offsets trading system. How current voluntary protocols, such as forest, landfill and others, will be included in the national emissions trading system remains unclear. Mexico has been developing jurisdictional frameworks for forest accounting at national and subnational levels. Simultaneously, many projects are under development using the Climate Action Reserve’s Mexico Forest Protocol, which provides demonstrable social and environmental co-benefits, as well as the Reserve’s Mexico Landfill Project Protocol. Credits issued from the Reserve have been sold internationally. 


This workshop will consist of individual presenters followed by discussion on the policies related to developing an emissions trading system and how the land use sector will be included. Current developments and benefits of Mexico forest activities, both from a jurisdictional context and from a project perspective, will be addressed, as well as strategies that can be considered to reconcile the accounting frameworks.

12:00 - 13:00
How AB 398 Could Reshape and Restrict the California Offset Market

Location: Laurel Hill, Fourth Floor

California’s offset program will likely see significant changes in the post-2020 period from regulatory requirements and developments in each protocol. In this session, ICIS analysts will guide you through the numbers and help you to understand what the data says about the current state of the offset market. The presentation will focus on the potential implications new rules could have on market dynamics and will conclude with a long-term outlook derived from ICIS’ new 2030 offset forecast.  This workshop is presented by ICIS.

12:00 - 13:30

Location: Pacific Terrace, Fourth Floor

13:00 - 14:00
Climate Action Reserve Board of Directors Meeting

Location: Stockton, Fifth Floor

View the agenda at

13:00 - 15:00
California Compliance Offset Program Workshop

Location: Union Square, Third Floor

The Climate Action Reserve invites you to attend a workshop that will provide an overview of California’s Compliance Offset Program, which will explore the program basics including the process for submitting projects under Compliance Offset Protocols, verification of compliance offset projects and invalidation. The workshop also will cover important changes to the Compliance Offset Program and lessons learned from market participants and the Reserve in its role as an Offset Project Registry. Additionally, workshop presenters will discuss the projected impact on the Compliance Offset Program from AB 398, which reauthorized the continuation of the state’s Cap-and-Trade Program through 2030. This workshop will be useful for consultants, compliance offset buyers, project developers, policymakers, and anyone interested in learning more about California’s compliance offset program.

Fee: $100

13:00 - 16:00
Current Legal Issues Shaping and Reshaping Carbon and Climate Policy

Location: Telegraph Hill, Fourth Floor

Carbon and climate policies on state, regional, national, and international levels are facing a number of legal issues that could significantly reshape or potentially halt them.  On the U.S. federal level, lawsuits are proceeding against the Clean Power Plan and the Trump administration is continuing to fuel much speculation about how it can influence and rescind climate regulation. In California, 2017 saw closure to the lawsuit against the state’s California’s Cap-and-Trade Program and the upholding to most of the state’s low carbon fuel standard, but lawsuits continue to shape climate policy in the state. This workshop, which is hosted by Latham & Watkins, will assess the legal issues and mechanisms potentially reshaping carbon and climate policy. MCLE credits will be available. 

Fee: $245

Jean-Philippe Brisson
Partner, Latham & Watkins, LLP
Josh Bledsoe
Counsel, Latham & Watkins
Marc Campopiano
Partner, Latham & Watkins
13:30 - 14:30
Carbon Offsets in North America 101

Location: Nob Hill, Fourth Floor

Curious about North America’s markets for carbon offsets? Come learn about how offsets are included in voluntary and compliance markets in the US, Canada, and Mexico. In this session, Ecosystem Marketplace will draw on recent reports and new data to present the latest carbon offset policy and market developments, including: detailed data about where projects are located; who is buying offsets on the voluntary markets and why; and how many offsets were issued and retired in 2017.  This workshop is presented by Ecosystem Marketplace.

14:00 - 16:00
Agricultural GHG Reductions to Support Working Lands Conservation

Location: Laurel Hill, Fourth Floor

The agricultural sector in the United States is responsible for 7.9% of total annual U.S. GHG emissions from cultivation practices, as well as land use change (LUC). These sources are often difficult or costly to measure and mitigate, and GHG emissions from the agricultural sector are mostly unregulated. This leaves immense opportunities for driving GHG reductions through the use of market incentives, such as carbon offsets. Certain project types, like livestock manure digestion, have already proven successful in both voluntary and compliance carbon markets. This workshop will discuss the opportunities and challenges for agricultural offset projects while highlighting two specific project types that show promise: avoided grassland conversion and nitrogen management. Participants will hear from a diverse group of speakers and will gain a more detailed understanding of how these projects work and what opportunities they present.

14:00 - 16:30
ETS Simulation Workshop – For Smarter Market Design and Capacity Building

Location: Grand Ballroom A, Third Floor

Join us for a fast-paced, educational, fun, and inspiring session of CarbonSim.

Emissions trading systems (ETS) have the potential to cap and cut climate pollution, spur investment in innovative technologies, and contribute to economic growth. The nature of these benefits is a function of program design, administration, and the aptitude of those who administer and are subject to the ETS.

That’s where Environmental Defense Fund’s carbon market simulation tool—CarbonSim—comes in. This artificial intelligence-enhanced and multi-lingual application teaches the principles of ETS and brings markets to life. It provides policymakers, regulated companies, NGOs, and the public—with means to train key staff, gain risk-free experience, and collaborate to maximize program benefits. It demonstrates both the power and limits of markets.

During this workshop you will manage a facility, implement a carbon portfolio management strategy, and measure performance against environmental and economic metrics. Through this collaborative, experiential, and fun game, you will enhance your understanding—and become a more effective advocate—of environmental markets.

This session is co-sponsored by the EDF and Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.

For more CarbonSim info see our website.


07:15 - 17:30
Registration and Exhibit Hall Open

Registration: Grand Ballroom Foyer, Third Floor
Exhibit Hall: InterContinental Ballroom, Fifth Floor

07:45 - 08:45
Breakfast and Breakfast Discussion Tables

Location: InterContinental Ballroom, Fifth Floor

Breakfast Discussion Tables

Join a roundtable breakfast discussion to gather together over a particular topic, learn information, and engage in discussion with fellow participants in an informal, small-group setting. 


The breakfast discussions will take place in the InterContinental Ballroom A, in the breakfast seating area. To participate, grab your breakfast from the Exhibit Hall in InterContinental Ballroom B & C and join the numbered discussion table in the InterContinental Ballroom A that corresponds to your choice.

Thursday, April 5

  1. Update on the EU ETS
    Discussion lead: Mike Szabo, Carbon Pulse
  2. Climate Finance
    Discussion lead: Max DuBuisson, Climate Action Reserve
  3. Hawai’i Climate Change Policy and Initiatives
    Discussion lead: Jody Kaulukukui, The Nature Conservancy
  4. Measuring Soil Carbon In Rangelands
    Discussion lead: Charlie Bettigole and Kristofer Covey, Yale University
08:45 - 09:50
Welcome and Keynote Addresses

Location: Grand Ballroom, Third Floor

Linda Adams
Chair, Climate Action Reserve Board of Directors
Craig Ebert
President, Climate Action Reserve
Veerabhadran Ramanathan
Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego; UNESCO Professor of Climate and Policy, TERI University, Delhi, India
09:50 - 10:00
Climate Action Champion and Project Developer Awards Presentations

Location: Grand Ballroom, Third Floor

10:00 - 11:00
Plenary Session: Navigating the North American Carbon World

Location: Grand Ballroom, Third Floor

Climate leadership on the North American national level looks different now than it did even a year ago. Mexico is moving forward with its Climate Change Law, which addresses its commitments under the Paris Agreement, develops a National Policy for Adaptation and establishes a carbon market. Canada introduced its Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change to work together with provinces, territories and Indigenous peoples to address climate change and meet its NDC of reducing economy-wide emissions 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. And, in the U.S., the Trump administration is still noncommittal to its global climate commitments and working to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Speakers in this plenary session will discuss how Mexico, Canada and the U.S. are now navigating through the carbon world at home and on the global stage.

Dirk Forrister (moderator)
President and CEO, International Emissions Trading Association
Rodolfo Lacy
Under Secretary of Policy and Environmental Planning at SEMARNAT
Julie Cerqueira
Executive Director, U.S. Climate Alliance
Glen Murray
Executive Director, Pembina Institute
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 12:20
Breakout Sessions
11:20 - 12:20
Path 1: State of the North American Carbon Market

Path 1: Markets and Finance
Location: Grand Ballroom B, Third Floor

In 2017, the North American carbon market was impacted by a number of significant policy changes. At the beginning of the year, Ontario linked with Quebec, bringing it officially into the WCI and creating a stronger, larger market. In July, AB 398 passed both chambers of California’s legislature with a super majority, extending the state’s cap-and-trade program and bolstering confidence in the market. During the year, Mexico continued setting the stage for the future start of a cap-and-trade program. This session will look at how recent developments shaped the carbon market and the current status of the market today.

Lars Kvale (moderator)
Head of Business Development, APX
Jackie Cooley
Lead Market Analyst, ICIS
Jean-Philippe Brisson
Partner, Latham & Watkins, LLP